
Showing posts from February, 2023

Holden Is Pretty Relatable

 If Holden has such a "unique" mindset then why is he so relatable? While reading The Catcher in the Rye , I felt as though I really understood Holden Caulfield. It was odd, Holden would talk about his experiences and how he was the only one to view them the way he did, and I would sympathize with him. I particularly remember one instance, near the beginning of the book, where Holden was messing around with Stradlater in the bathroom, and everyone in class was calling Holden a hypocrite because he'd just criticized Ackley for messing around earlier. While it was a little hypocritical of Holden, I understood where he was coming from. Having someone joke around when you're just trying to have some alone time can be so annoying. But when Stradlater and Holden went to the can, it was a different scenario, a bit more acceptable for Holden to be joking around, even though Stradlater didn't seem to appreciate it. I do understand that part of Holden's hypocrisy comes